Friday, June 3, 2011

Last day of school

IT IS THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL AND I AM PSYCHED. This is going to be a big summer but of course I couldn't have gotten through the year without my 5th grade teacher, Mr. Clark who is unfortunately going to teach at a different school called Simmons Elementary school in Versailles, Ky., and for those of you who don't know where he taught before it is Meadowthorpe Elementary in Lexington,Ky. Anybody who knows me at all please comment.


  1. By the way my parents are editors and give me a hard time.

  2. Writing is hard. To get good takes practice. Just ask your dad.

  3. Mark Twain said it best: There is no good writing, only rewriting.

  4. aka Mr. Clark wants you to refine your writing:)

  5. The last day of school! Heaven! Nirvana! It was always the best day of the year, and came so reliably. Great days still happen, but much less frequently and with less throwing of paper and still less shedding of responsibility.

    You probably have more planned for the summer than I ever did, but it's still a great day!

  6. Yes indeed, summer is here and i have lots of camps and other trips I will take.

  7. Matthew had fifth grade graduation on Friday, June 3. Going in, I didn't really understand the point of an elementary school graduation but it was cool. The fifth-graders got to run a gauntlet of K through 4th graders lining the hallways leading to the auditorium. High-fives and cheering all the way.

    Then they got to cross the stage, get certificates, and watch a slideshow featuring pictures of everyone when they were babies and toddlers. It was a nice bonding moment for everyone, friends reliving the year together. All the fifth graders were then invited to go outside and ring a large bell out in front of the school.

    It felt like a rite of passage. Ceremony. Cake. Punch. Pictures. Hugs. Now on to middle school

  8. What camps are you doing over the summer? Are you doing any Lexington Children Theatres? I am doing The Hobbit

  9. I am doing mostly soccer camps not theater camps.
