Thursday, July 21, 2011

More stuff on being a ball kid

Now that I have been a ball kid for a women's and a men's match, I realize the women are way more polite. For example, men just say "towel" or "ball," and women actually also say "please." So when I am out on the court with the men who just say "towel" or "ball," I would like to say that adding "please" to your vocabulary would not hurt you. So, I am hoping I get mainly women's matches not men's. Lastly, men sweat about 10 times more than women, so it isn't fun touching a sweaty towel. But, overall, being a ball kid is fun: You get free lunch, Popsicles, dinner, and a tent for shade while you are waiting.


  1. I never realized there was so much to being a ball kid. Where do you keep all those balls and towels? What happens if you run out in the middle of a match? No washer & dryer out there. How many balls do you think are used during a match? As hot as it has been, I can understand your looking forward to popsicles and shade. I was always told there is no free lunch but you seem to have found the secret. Keep an eye out for those errant smashes. Grandpa in PA

  2. You actually just reuse the balls that are hit out or into the net and he towels are left on chairs or just the court itself. We also use 4-6 balls in one game. Also, lunch, dinner, Popsicles, and being a ball boy is free and now I am done so I am back to my regular sports and soccer season starts soon.
